How to increase your hourly rate
Let’s be honest, you’re not paying yourself much.
Not when you consider the financial risk you took in starting your business, the long-hours, grumpy customers and staff headaches. Sometimes, you think it would be easier to just be an employee.
The Key to Moving Beyond Amateur
Teaching yourself is certainly a great way to start begin learning a skill. However, there is a down-side which is not often talked about.
My coaching philosophy, in 3-words.
The first week of lockdown I sat down at my new home office desk, pulled out a black felt pen, and started scrawling ideas on Post-it notes.
What’s Your Destination?
In the whirlwind of the day to day, it's easy to put the BIG questions on the back burner.
Celebrate WINS
As Kiwi's we're often reserved with our praise - we don't want anyone's head getting too big now, do we?
Adjust Accordingly
In a beginners Jiu-jitsu class, you'll typically find a group of students who are 'unconciously incompetent' (they don't realise how much they suck).
Forever Grateful
Gutted to hear AuCom Electronics founder Ray Archer has passed away (pictured here with his wife Kathy).
If you’ve owned a business for a while, then the chances are you know a thing or two about what you should and shouldn’t be doing.
Fight, flight or freeze?
You're probably familiar with the 'fight or flight' concept, but a less familiar killer, is the 'freeze' state. And as business owners, we're particularly vulnerable.
Business Injuries
It was the week my wife was due with our third child, and my last jiu-jitsu class before taking some time off.
Business and Sport
Business and sport are not directly comparable but there are many parallels.
Do Yourself A Favour
It’s true… girls do only want boyfriends who have great skills, and businesses only want owners who have great skills.
Momentum Is Key
A few years back, I read a quote from Volvo’s chief technical officer stating that we are over-estimating the impact of self-driving cars in the short term, and under-estimating it in the long term.
Book a 15-min phone call
and lets see if this is right for you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation, just an honest conversation.