Adjust Accordingly

In a beginners Jiu-jitsu class, you'll typically find a group of students who are 'unconciously incompetent' (they don't realise how much they suck). The instructor on the other hand is 'unconciously competent', he's not thinking overly much, just instinctively reacting with technique and skill. 🥋

At white-belt level, the relationship between instructor and student is based on one-way instruction. At black belt level it's the exact opposite - there's a much higher level of information exchange and collaboration.

In business, it is THE LEADER who must identify the level of proficiency a team member is displaying and adjust their approach accordingly. Great business leaders are comfortable saying, "I'll do it, you watch" as well as "You do it, I'll watch".

p.s. If you've ever thought about training, Axis Jiu-Jitsu New Zealand is the place to head.


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