What’s Your Destination?

In the whirlwind of the day to day, it's easy to put the BIG questions on the back burner.

Questions like: 'Where is this business actually going'?

But if we aren't able to clearly articulate this ourselves, then we don't have a hope in hell of enrolling our team or customers...👎

So we end up in a holding pattern, cruising on auto-pilot. Doing more of the same and getting more of the same. 😳

If you don't have clarity on your destination (vision, mission, purpose), here are 3 questions to start thinking about:

1. WHAT does my business look like when it is finished? ✅
2. HOW do I want to go about bringing that vision to life? 🍻
3. WHY does the work I do matter? ⛪️


Victory VS Defeat


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