My coaching philosophy, in 3-words.
The first week of lockdown I sat down at my new home office desk, pulled out a black felt pen and started scrawling ideas on Post-it notes.
I wanted to capture my coaching philosophy and also find an alternative way to begin a 1:1 coaching session.
I came up with three words, based on what I help my clients achieve.
Deeper. Further. Faster
I grew up on the east side of Christchurch, an area home to dozens of creeks and rivers. Perhaps that’s why I often use water as an analogy for life.
A shallow creek is usually murky, slow moving, and won’t take a vessel far before running into dry ground, an eddie, or debris.
Conversely, a deep river runs clear, has enough force to move boulders, and will move a vessel along its surface at a great rate of knots.
What I love about the coaching process is that it uncovers business and psychological blind spots. It provides an environment for people to grow themselves and their businesses from little creeks, to big rivers.
So if you’re ever in a coaching session with me, expect the question: “How can we go deeper, further, faster today?”.