How to Save 4-hours/week [Part 2 of 2]

Now you’re clear on how you're deciding to spend your time, it's time to start 'slicing and dicing'.

I recommend going old-school with pen, paper and a template like this.

Start by reviewing each item on your time log and placing it in 1 of the 4 categories below.

DELETE: what don't you need to be doing (at all)?
DELEGATE: what could someone else be doing, rather than you?
DO: what's important that needs to be done with urgency?
SCHEDULE: what improvements would make a big difference to your business, but aren't time sensitive?

The immediate time savings are in cutting things out which simply don't need to be done (delete), and passing off low value tasks to others in your team (delegate).

But where you'll make your biggest gains is by scheduling time to complete projects which increase the efficiency of your business.

To do this consistently, you'll need to create a default diary, here's a video on how to do that:

How about a little wager to get you into action?

1KG of Prima coffee beans says you follow this recipe and save yourself 4-hours a week.

What'ya reckon?


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How to save 4-hours/week 🙌 [Part 1 of 2]