When was the last time you asked...


When was the last time you asked your team?

When was the last time you asked your team? What could you do to help them?

Just wrapped up coaching for the day and one thing really stood out from a session today with a construction business owner, who's grown significantly over the last few years and really grown to a point where he doesn't need to be involved in the doing of the tasks in the office or in the field on the day-to-day.

But, he's challenged because he sees some bottlenecks in their process, their ability to get through work, and he wants to jump in and so I asked him this question.

When was the last time you asked someone on the team what you could do to help them?

And he paused for quite some time, and said: "It's been a while".

So the thing is, one of the things that stops us from asking this question is, we're actually afraid that in our busy lives, we're going to be asked to do even more than we are already doing, particularly as business owners. And often times it's not a massive thing that will make quite a significant change in our teams' ability to do their job and feel good about the work they're doing.

Sometimes it's just a simple thing like they want a $5 rubbish bin or they might want a piece of software that they don't have. Or it may be a bigger thing or process change, or simply a way that you're dealing with them, a communication challenge.

But if we don't ask the question, we don't get an answer that could have a massive impact on their productivity and their morale too, the way they feel about the work they're doing.

So I wonder if I ask you the same question as I ask my client earlier today. How you'd respond?

When was the last time you asked someone on your team?

What can I do to help you?


Chances are if you read books as a kid, you’ve come across 'Grandpas Slippers'.


Would you want to work for you? 🤔