Chances are if you read books as a kid, you’ve come across 'Grandpas Slippers'.


Chances are if you read books as a kid, you’ve come across 'Grandpas Slippers'.

If you haven’t read it, then here’s a 1 sentence summary.

Grandpa needs new slippers, but Grandpa likes his old slippers.

In the opening pages we feel sorry for Grandpa, those old slippers look comfy, he likes them, just leave him be.

But by the end of the story we’re thinking Grandpa is a stubborn old mule who doesn’t know what’s good for him.

Yesterday in a coaching session I observed a client, doing the business equivalent of fishing his old comfy slippers out of the bin.

We unpacked the situation, reframed it and put those slippers back where they belong.

But in the absence of an outside perspective, it’s all too easy to end up holding on to things well past their best-before date: Pricing structures, stock, staff, schedules - the list is endless.

The danger is, the longer we hold onto them, the harder it is to make a change.

I wonder what you’re holding onto in your business or thinking, that needs to be replaced?


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