

6-months ago, I'd hit a plateau during workouts.

Mentally and physically I just couldn't seem to get anything more out of myself.

Then I read an intriguing article by Tim Ferris stating that he'd recorded the time, date and performance levels of every workout for years.

That got me thinking. 🤔

What might happen to my results if I did nothing else other than track them?

Well as it happens, quite a lot.

Set 1 and 2 increased by 40% and set 3 and 4 by 55% in the roughly 6-months to date. 📈

I didn't increase my workout frequency, change my technique or diet, all I did was measure.

Along the way, I noticed an interesting mental pattern.

Each week, as I entered the data, I would look at the previous week's results and ask myself, "Can I add one more?"

As you can see from the graph, the answer wasn't always, 'Yes', but every time I did add a rep, I created a new mental benchmark for myself and a new level of performance.

I see this same phenomenon in coaching business owners too. As soon as we begin to measure something in the business, conversion rates, productivity, profitability or even specific behaviours, a lift in performance is almost always immediate.



What areas of life/business would you like better results in❓

What changes might occur if you began tracking your performance❓


Process (coffee)


How much time do you spend, in silence?