Are you Talking Your TEAMS Language?

Here's how to get less blank stares shoulder shrugs, and ‘I dunnos’ when you ask your team for their ideas on how to make your business better.

  • STOP asking how to improve things

  • START asking what frustrates them? what annoys them? What makes their job unnecessarily difficult to do?

Here's why this works:

Some of us are more motivated by moving away from pain, and others of us are more motivated by moving toward pleasure.

When our words match our employees’ communication preferences, It's like we're speaking their language. But when we get it wrong, it's like we're speaking gibberish.

So, this week try and identify the people on your team and what their motivator is, are they more motivated by moving away from pain or toward pleasure?

If you want to become a better leader, you want to build a culture of high performance in your business. On the 15th of September, We're running a growth intensive and we're talking all things team. We've got a couple of free tickets, so if you'd like to come to that, I'll put a link in the comment section below. Trust has been helpful.

Have a great day.


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