Are you creating RAVING fans of your business?

I just got back from a shopping trip at Infinite Definite, if you haven't been, you should go. Because they have amazing stuff.

I was looking for a gift for a client, that gave us a great referral. And I really wanted it to be something special. But because I wanted to be special, I wanted them to like it and keep it for a while. I was feeling a bit nervous. And so I'm looking through the options. I even had to call my wife Chelsea to see if I was on the right track, if they'd like this, or they'd prefer that.

As I got up to the counter, I went to pay for it and another girl walked up and she said, “ Great choice. Did you know it can do this and this and that?, I think they really gonna like it”. I'm like, “No, but that is awesome. Because I couldn't decide between this thing and this thing. And now I'm feeling like I definitely made the right call”.

I want to challenge you and your business…

What is it in your sales process and your customer journey that you could do to really blow people away at that point of purchase?

The difference between you creating a raving fan or not someone that's going to promote your business to their friends and family for free like I'm doing now is those one percenters.

So if this video has been helpful, go and do something with it. Take action. Look at that point of purchase and how you could confirm in the buyer’s mind that they've made the right decision. Doing that you'll create raving fans and a more profitable business.

See you soon


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