Stand Strong Among Your Competitors…

STOP worrying about what your competitors are doing. 🛑

There’s more than enough room for you, AND them!

Take will&able for example.

Their products are eco-friendly and packed by people with disabilities.

You mightn’t give two shakes about their cause, but as a parent of a child who has a life altering genetic disorder, I do.

Is the cleaning product market big enough for giants like Johnson & Johnson and new players like will&able?

I would argue, yes, and we’re all better for it.

So what’s my recommendation?

Spend less time worrying about what your competitors are doing, and more time getting clear on why YOUR company exists and what you stand for.

As Simon Sinek states, “If you say what you believe, you’ll attract people who believe the same.” 👊


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Use What You Have…