Gaining Perspective Through Growth Intensives…

I’ve got very few spare hours in my week. 🗓

So when I looked at my calendar on Thursday evening and saw the whole day blocked out for a team day on Friday.

I thought, ‘SH$T I haven’t got time for that!’ 😨

I’ve got e-mails I haven’t replied to, phone-calls I need to make, projects I haven’t finished, maybe we should postpone.

Thankfully, I quietened the inner saboteur, and as is always the case when I prioritise the important over the urgent, I was so glad I did.

The learning, gratitude, and growth that come out of spending time reflecting on the quarter just gone and looking ahead to the next one is invaluable.

It’s one of the reasons, we started running quarterly Growth Intensives. A day for our clients to get perspective on their progress, improve their skills and return to their business with more clarity than before.

We’re giving away 3 guest passes to our June event, so if you want to give yourself and your business a ‘shot in the arm’ before winter, see our events page for details!


Client Testimonial - Todd Hagland, Dynamite Signs.


Mouth Watering Results 🥐