Are your ideas often falling flat?


Are your ideas often falling flat?

Have you ever had what you thought was a great business idea, but the moment you began sharing it with someone on your team it fell completely flat?

This used to happen to me all the time until I realised that people process information differently. So in today's video, we're gonna talk through, why that may happen for you and three things that you can do to improve your communication and reduce the chances of that awkward feeling when you share an idea, and it just falls flat.

One of the main reasons we lose people when we're trying to explain something is because of a difference in the way in which that person and the way in which we process information.

Now some people are top-down. In other words, they're global. They need to see the forest, then the tree, and then the detail, the texture, the tone, the colours of the individual leaf.

And other people are bottom-up. So they start with the detail and they work up, toward the forest.

My wife, for example, is detailed, high detail, and I'm high global. So oftentimes we have differing views of how something should be presented. She wants me to give her the detail first and I'm like, na, don't worry about the detail. Let's just with the big picture and get that right first.

So here are three ways that you can improve your communication and reduce the chance of an idea falling flat.

The first thing is, know your own behavioural tendencies. So if you're somebody who's high global, you're top-down, you like the big picture first and the detail later.

Then you're gonna need to put a concerted effort into bringing out more detail if you gonna share this idea effectively. And if you're high detail, you're going to need to zoom out and get an idea about how this project fits in with the bigger picture.

The second thing is, know your audience. So if you're talking to a group of people or a person who is high detail and you're high global then you're gonna need to focus the communication around their particular processing style.

The third thing is, position the idea and your strengths and weaknesses with the person before you have the conversation. So it might look a little bit like this.

Hey, I've got a really clear idea of how this project fits with the bigger picture of our business. Where we're going and the type of business that we're trying to create. And the strategies that are important in the next 12-months. But I'm lacking a bit of the detail, I don't know how this projects actually going to be brought to life, what it would mean logistically or operationally, and I need some help to do that. So I'm hoping that you can help me to do that. So those are the three things.

I'm interested to know, are you somebody who's high global or are you somebody who's high detail?

And if you'd like some help finding that out for sure. We've got a really helpful tool that we use with our 1:1 clients called AccuMatch.

If you want more info on that, then just flick me a direct message and I'll link you up with that. Otherwise, if you enjoyed this, please give it a like, a comment or a share.

Trust this has been helpful team.


Sick of sitting through hours …


To anyone who isn’t ‘feelin it’ today 🥱